Revealed: Rational Behind Joe Mettle's Marks On His Face.

Photo: Joe Mettle's Facebook profile

The reigning VGMA Artist Of The Year 2017, Joe Mettle revealed on his Facebook page reason why he's got marks on his face.

Most people think it's tribal marks but this the truth behind it.

Read his post below:

He mean what he says...

"I am not exaggerating or trying to be modest when I say that I owe all that I am and have to Jesus alone."

...and now the rational behind his marks...

"Soon after I was born, I got sick, so sick that my parents thought that I would die. The doctors had no cure, so my parents took me to all sorts of places in a desperate attempt to save my life. That's why I have the marks on my face. All hope was lost, till we encountered Jesus the Healer. He saved my life."

...he didn't end it there, he revealed his past challenge you never knew...

"Growing up, my family did not have much so getting educated was a challenge. I had to move from school to school. I even remember having to drop out at a point. Again, Jehovah Jireh my Provider stepped in and came through for me."

...get inspired...

"Your situation is not hopeless. I'm here to encourage you today. There is no situation too big or too little for God. He chooses the foolish things to confound the wise. He did it for me, He is still doing it and  He can certainly do it for you.
Just hold on and keep trusting Him. He will turn your sorrow to joy and fill your mouth with joy.", who he is and the God he serve...

"My name is Joseph Oscar Mettle, and my God is a God of Miracles."

...then he ended with the hash tag.


The "Owanwani" hit marker inspired thousands on his Facebook page.

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