21 Things You Never Know That Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat.

Photo: fotolia.com

We all tag toilet seat as the filthiest part of our house but there are most places that you often clean in our homes, offices and even restaurants that are even filthier than the toilet seats.
Surprisingly, most of us don't even know.

These are some of things you never know that are as dirtier than the toilet.
These things can host hundreds of bacteria you cannot see.

1. Door handles
Photo: Pinterest.com
2. Television Remote
Photo: IXPA Magazine
3. Light Switch
Photo: tool station.com

4. Carpet
Photo: Malkin's.com

5. Refrigerator
Photo: mendocinobaby.com
6. Kitchen Sink
Photo: raddoncourt.com
7. Pillow

8. Mattress
Photo: shopyourway.com

9. Kitchen sponges
Photo: maidright.com

10. Telephone and Cell Phone
Photo: aliexpress.com

11. Desk
Photo: alibaba.com

12. Files
Photo: yellow pages butanes com

13. Keyboard
Photo: slideshare.com

14. Pendrive
Photo: techwalla.com

15. Car Seat
Photo: rightsided

16. Shopping Carts
Photo: jrsequipment

17. Restaurant Menu
Photo: abmatbaa.com

18. Bag and Purse
Photo: Pinterest
19. ATM Buttons
Photo: flickr

20. Money
Photo: ghheadline

21. steer wheel
Photo: ebay

There are lot but I believe you now have a picture of some of the things that are as dirty as you can now think of.

Thanks for your time.

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